Do you ever find yourself wishing you could take this relaxing farming/friendship game and just turn it into a nightmarish, high stress race to the end? If so, you should probably seek. Open menu open navigation go to reddit home. R/stardewvalley a chip a close button. In this guide, we will show you how to get the minecart and how to build the track system.
In order to get the minecart, you will need the following items:. Generally speaking i will use minecart for access to the mine, quarry, blacksmith and museum. Horse for rest of town, beach and basically the rest of the map. Before i got the horse and. If you want to find each and every single minecart, and the list in the description is just not clear enough, then this article is for you! So i present the year one guide for beginners (tldr version). This is basically the general tips from the original guide + a streamlined list of priorities for each season in year 1. Remember to upgrade the minecart.
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